NAFSN curates a comprehensive, up-to-date list of job opportunities
for food systems professionals throughout North America.

Search Our  Jobs Portal

Job Creators: 

Are you currently hiring for a position the supports local/regional food systems development?

Do you strive to maintain an inclusive, respectful, and equitable hiring policy and workplace culture?

Does the position pay a livable wage for your area?

If so, send us a link to your job posting and we'll post it for you :)

Job Seekers:

Are you looking for a paid position that supports local/regional food systems development?

Do you strive to contribute to a more inclusive, respectful, and equitable workplace culture?

Interested in some career-connecting?

Become a member today, and we'll be in touch!

Employment Trends in Local and Regional Food Systems Development

Job Locations, Jan-Dec 2021

Remote job opportunities made up more than 16% of the posting in 2021. Comparatively, in 2019 remote positions accounted for only 0.04% of job postings, as tracked by NAFSN. The COVID pandemic likely played a large role in the increase of remote job postings. California and New York posted the most in-person job postings, which was also the case in 2019 and 2020. Unlike in past years, all US states posted at least one position.

Job Types, Jan-Dec 2021

Compared to prior years, administrative roles made up a lower percentage of the job postings tracked by NAFSN. In 2020 and 2019 administrative roles accounted for more than 50% of the job postings; in 2021, this percentage decreased to 22%, during which time we also saw a diversification of job types. Other roles - such as operations, communications, and food systems policy work - slightly increased their share in 2021.

Featured Job Creators

Featured Job Creator in Jan 2022
Featured Job Creator in Feb 2022
Featured Job Creator in Mar 2022
Featured Job Creator in Apr 2022
Featured Job Creator in May 2022
Featured Job Creator in June 2022
Featured Job Creator in July 2022

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